Sunday, October 9, 2016

What is the best laptops ?

The advice before you buys a laptops !

There are so many choices out there on the market, and you see commercials with PC are fighting against Macintosh’s. And then you see other brands: Samsung, Sony and you know there’s Dell and Toshiba, Asis and Acer, it just goes on and on and on. It’s an alphabet soup. But really when it comes to what is the best laptop for most people your choices are going to be one of two choices in general based on the operating system. So, one type of laptop is going to have the Windows operating system on it, and there’ll be what we call PC laptops. I’ve got one on my left here that’s black sitting in front of us. Then the other one would be this white computer which is a Macintosh operating system based computer. Now, the question comes around when they say what is the best laptop? There would be a number of considerations. One would be money. But you know, in today’s modern would these two brands run neck and neck. You can buy them for pretty much the same cost for the same amount of features available. So why would you pick one over  the other? Well, let me give you one very good reason to and that it time wasting. PC’s waste your time, and we’ve done a study in our business that showed that the average office can have a thirty three percent increase in productivity by changing to Macintosh computers and laptops because they spend less time fooling around with trying to fix the laptop. Well, when I say that most people shake their heads and go what are you talking about ? and then, I want to explain to you that when you’re running a PC and you’re connected to the Internet you constantly have a threat and a problem of getting viruse, what we call malware, spyware, adware, and bots. Now, PC’s get infected with these things, whereas Macintosh computers don’t unless you as the operator approve them to come onto your computer. PC’s are not sophisticated enough to know that they don’t asking you first, whereas a Macintosh will. So, you have a PC, and you’re on the internet for two or three days and then all of a sudden, or weeks, your computers starts to sun slow, and it’s because you have what’s called adware, or spyware, or malware that’s come over the internet lodged itself into your operating system and slowed it down. Well, then what do you have to do?  You go out and you get these programs. They may cost your something, they may be for free. And you have to sun the programs. It could take anywhere from three minutes to two hours to scour your laptop and find out why it’s running slow, and get rid of this adware, and malware, and spyware. Macintosh computer; you don’t ever do that because it does not allow those programs to come onto your computer unless your approve it first. So I would say right off the bat that one difference makes that Macintosh that much better, and more productive a laptop. It’d be your recommendation. 

Prepare By: Mr.Lay

ផ្សាយផ្ទាល់ (Live) Cambodian Idol - Theater Round 2

Friday, October 7, 2016

What is ExpressCard Slot ?

What is ExpressCard Slot ?

Express card slots are one of the coolest input’s ever for laptops Mainly they are just PCI express 1x slot’s crammed in a box and are able to do a lot, since there desktop PCI express slot’s.  Now many things have been made for express card slots, like network dongles, and sound blasters. But here is the problem. They barely make them anymore. I could understand old technology but there still incredible. Anyways they make so much stuff for express card slots now. Like USB 3.0 hubs. SSD’s and more. But the best thing is this. EGPU.. Yes you can basically have a full sized GPU, running with your laptops, and I like them too. But those are way too expensive and you might need a new power supply, more cooling and a lot more if you want to upgrade the GPU, and it’s still an early feature to laptops. But EGPU’s are different. EGPU stands for external graphics processing unit and that means the GPU will go outside of the laptop. Doesn’t sound great until you realize there is adapter from GDC and allows full desktop graphics cards to run on laptops. That’s even better. And all graphics card work even ones with 4 to 8 pin connectors will work, because it can use a full power supply. So if a express card slot an handle a GPU. Then it should be to handle a lot more items that have low per consumption of course. But the reason why is mainly because of thunderbolt becoming popular, and it’s a 1x PCI express card slot. But it’s still poplar and will make almost any laptop amazing. Another all feature by te way is that since is a really fast port, it can use USB 3.0 and more. If you’re a console gamer and want to record our game console you can get a capture card express card slot! Too bad it’s gone but you can still buy some laptop with it or use a old laptop to get a full size GPU on a laptop.

Writed by Mr. Kao Lay